Ending the Epidemic Dashboard

Design and develop internet enabled visualization platform to track, monitor HIV related programs and policies in the State of New York Implementation of an internet enabled visualization platform to track, monitor HIV related programs and policies in the State of New York Track HIV programs and policies in the state of New York Health technology implementation


Fulbright Award

Host a cohort of Egyptian public health scholars through the Fulbright Junior Faculty Development Program and is and the people of other countries Training grant Primarily designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries Mentorship


School-based Surveillance for Detection of Children with Acute Pharyngitis, Rheumatic Fever/rheumatic Heart Disease: India

Efficacy of school-based surveillance was evaluated for detection of acute pharyngitis and RF/RHD in Shimla district, HP. Mobile app, SMS and internet enabled platform to detect early symptoms of RF/RHD among children by nodal teachers, parents and teachers School based surveillance had higher rate of suspecting children with acute pharyngitis and or RF/RHD Randomized controlled clinical trial


INSPIRE – Interactive Novel Support Program for Innovation, Research and Entrepreneurship

To address population health challenges of the 21st century by enhancing academic and non-academic skills of students during their field practicum, research thesis or experiential learning Provide mentorship to students in research, innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship to address population health challenges of the 21st century Develop knowledge and skills and competencies essential to design, develop, implement, and evaluate novel solutions [...]

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